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Top sniper teams from across the country compete at Ft. Chaffee in the River Valley

By Cnn Newsource
From KION546

Top sniper teams from across the country compete at Ft. Chaffee in the River Valley

FORT SMITH, Arkansas (KHBS, KHOG) -- Top sniper teams from across the country are facing off in marksmanship competitions that are underway at Fort Chaffee.

"The top 1% of shooters in the world are here. This is the premier sniper competition pretty much in the world," 1st Sgt. Justin Fisher, with the National Guard Training Center, said. "This competition is not just about shooting. It's about sharing of ideas, networking and applying the tactics that will shape the battlefield for future years to come."

Service members from all 50 states, as well as sniper teams from Italy, Germany and the Netherlands, are competing for top spots during the 54th Annual Winston P. Wilson / 34th Armed Forces Skill at Arms Meeting (WPW/AFSAM) Sniper Championships at the joint maneuver training center.

"These guys have spent countless hours on ranges in the cold and the rain, in the snow and sleet to get better at what they do," Fisher said. "That's what separates an average shooter from the best."

The top teams will be announced on Thursday, once the competitions come to close. The winners will then compete in the international sniper championships in Georgia, in a few months, according to Fisher.

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