MONTGOMERY, Ala. (WSFA) - Twice a year the Drug Enforcement Agency partners with local pharmacies for a drug takeback every April and October. It's a safe way to dispose of unused prescription drugs to prevent misuse and overdoses.
"We see every year that many medications are left throughout the house that might go unnoticed, or just, they're no longer needed," Adam Harnden, clinical pharmacist said. "Unfortunately, that opens up the opportunity for unintended participants to receive those medications."
Unused prescription drugs can be dangerous if they get into the wrong hands leading to hospital trips or worse. That's why the DEA recommends that you turn in your unused prescription drugs to keep everyone safe.
Medication taken at the drug takeback will be properly disposed of immediately following the event.
"We basically incinerate the medication, so they'll be taken from this location straight to an incinerator," said Harnden.
If you missed this drug takeback day and would like to turn in your unused medication, the DEA has information on proper ways to dispose of medication right on their website.
"The next best option is to look at the DEA website for local pharmacies or other locations that participate in drop-off locations," said Harnden. "If that is not an option, you can review the DEA website for drug disposal."
If you do plan to keep medication in your home, the DEA and pharmacists urge you to make sure you are storing it properly by keeping medication in childproof containers, away from moisture, and out of reach of children or pets.