A2 Hosting, we need to talk. Actually, scratch that -- I need to yell. What gives you the right to delete my backups from the Softaculous script without so much as a warning or notification? This isn't just bad practice; it's outright disrespectful. Backups are critical, not optional luxuries, and you're treating them like disposable clutter.
And here's the kicker: the majority of my backups aren't even taking up space on your servers! I use Softaculous's built-in function to store backups on an external server. You know, the feature designed to keep backups safely off-site.
Yet, for some inexplicable reason, you still delete the backup entries in my cPanel. What does that do? It disconnects the external backup location entirely, creating an unnecessary headache for me to reconfigure everything. Why are you meddling with something that doesn't even impact your precious storage resources?
As for the backups I do store locally on your servers -- because yes, sometimes I need them there for quick access -- you blow those away too. Periodically. Randomly. Without reason. And let's be clear: I haven't even come close to exceeding my storage or file count quota. So what's the excuse? Is this some kind of bizarre cost-saving measure? Or are your systems just programmed to annoy your paying customers?
When I approach your support team about this nonsense, it's the same frustrating pattern: evasive answers, half-baked justifications, and then they grudgingly restore my deleted backups. Fine, I think, problem solved -- until a little over a month later when, surprise! You delete them again. Seriously, what part of "stop deleting my important backup data" is so hard to understand?
Let me spell it out: backups are not some arbitrary data dump you can purge whenever you feel like it. They're the backbone of my disaster recovery plan. By deleting them, you're not just being careless -- you're actively sabotaging my ability to protect my websites.
If you think this behavior is acceptable, let me be the first to tell you it's not. Here's an idea: instead of nuking critical backups, how about focusing on better customer communication? If there's a storage issue, notify me. If you plan to delete something, give me a heads-up. Or better yet, leave my backups alone entirely -- especially the ones stored externally!
A2 Hosting, this isn't just frustrating -- it's infuriating. I've entrusted you with my hosting needs, and you've let me down repeatedly. Fix this, or you'll lose more than just my backups.