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Expert warns homeowners of risks from snow, ice build-up on roofs


Expert warns homeowners of risks from snow, ice build-up on roofs

CINCINNATI (WXIX) - An owner of a roofing company is warning homeowners of the dangers of snow and ice build-up in the freezing weather.

Dan Williams from Cincinnati Roofing explains that ice dams on the roof can cause significant issues by blocking water drainage. This blockage can lead to water seeping into the house.

"The heat source is trying to melt the snow from within. So, the water tends to run backward under the shingles. That's when you get leaks inside the house," Williams said.

Williams explains that when it is below freezing, the home's heat warms everything inside, causing melting ice and snow to have nowhere to go.

"So, you have ice formed at the gutter line and your eaves, the overhang of your roof, and then the snow is melting underneath, which creates the water flow backward under the shingles, which in turn then goes into your attic space. It can create mold on the insulation and water damage on drywall or plaster. So, those are types of calls we're seeing this week," Williams said.

In addition to ice dams, homeowners should be warned about possible falling gutters due to the weight of the ice.

Williams cautions that unsecured gutters might fall. Similarly, downspouts can come loose, possibly causing indoor leaks. He advises homeowners to contact a professional rather than attempting to fix the problem.

"I actually had somebody call me, said he tried to get up there, slipped on the second run and said, 'I'm not trying this.' We've had about a dozen calls already. So, we're hoping we can get a break next week and we can get out and take care of some things," Williams said.

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