GIBSON CITY, Ill. (WCIA) -- Have you noticed an increased car insurance bill? You're probably not the only one, especially in Illinois.
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports costs are up 18.6% since last year. Eric Strand, a financial advisor and agent, said that doesn't surprise him, especially with inflation.
But, he said there are several other contributing factors. Repair costs are going up, there are labor shortages and he said there is also an increase in distracted driving which can lead to more accidents.
In Illinois, he said weather is another reason you may see your bills going up.
"A 10-20% increase in rates is not out of the question," Strand said. "We had a bad year last year in terms of weather. Hail, wind damage to vehicles so those that have comprehensive coverage on auto, you saw a high increase in those claims."
If you're feeling a bit of shock looking at your bill, he recommends reviewing your policy with your agent and consider adjusting coverage to save money in the long run.