WASHINGTON, Nov. 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- National Sleep Foundation (NSF) today announced the selection of Susan Redline, MD, MPH, as the next Editor-in-Chief for its award-winning journal Sleep Health. Dr. Redline is Peter C. Farrell Professor of Sleep Medicine at Brigham and Women's Hospital and Professor in the Department of Epidemiology at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Dr. Redline will succeed Orfeu M. Buxton, PhD, Elizabeth Fenton Susman Professor of Biobehavioral Health and Director of the Sleep, Health & Society Collaboratory at Pennsylvania State University.
Dr. Redline's contributions to the field of population sleep health are numerous and closely align to NSF's public focus and mission. Dr. Redline's research focuses on the role of genetics, early life developmental factors, and environmental exposures on sleep health. Additionally, Redline studies how social and environmental factors shape sleep health disparities, which, in turn, drive chronic health disparities; and the role of sleep interventions in improving health, including cardiovascular, metabolic, and cognitive disorders.
"I am honored to be named the next Editor-in-Chief of Sleep Health," said Redline. "I look forward to continuing the Journal's track record of publishing and promoting multi-disciplinary research to improve the public's sleep health."
"NSF is deeply grateful to Dr. Buxton for his commitment and thanks him for his dedication to the Journal and its editorial community these past five years. Under his stewardship, the Journal has published landmark articles that have grown the body of evidence to advance sleep health," said John Lopos, NSF CEO. "NSF welcomes Dr. Redline to the helm of Sleep Health. As a distinguished leader in the sleep health research community with a passion for understanding and eradicating sleep health disparities, Dr. Redline will be an excellent Editor-in-Chief for our Journal," added Lopos.
Current and second Editor-in-Chief, Orfeu Buxton added, "Sleep Health has enjoyed steady growth in submissions and quality for a decade. I have every confidence in Dr. Redline's leadership, judgement, and expertise as Sleep Health continues to grow in impact."
A recipient of the Best New Journal/SMT Award from the Association of American Publishers, Sleep Health has a 2023 5-Year Impact Factor of 4.4 and is ranked in the 76th percentile of behavioral neuroscience journals. Sleep Health is published by Elsevier, the leader in medical and scientific scholarly publishing. For more information about Sleep Health, visit sleephealthjournal.org.
About the National Sleep Foundation
The National Sleep Foundation (NSF) is an independent nonprofit organization dedicated to improving health and well-being through sleep education and advocacy. Founded in 1990, the NSF is committed to advancing excellence in sleep health theory, research and practice. theNSF.org │SleepHealthJournal.org
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SOURCE National Sleep Foundation