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Reader Opinion: Is City Council working for you?, by Stephen Seraichick

From SentinelSource.com

Reader Opinion: Is City Council working for you?, by Stephen Seraichick

When you're in school you are graded for how successful you were in a particular subject. The same goes for how you perform on your job. If you were to grade our City Council and city planners, what grades would you give them? Here's a couple of areas I have thought about and perhaps you have additional ones. These are in no particular order.

A=Excellent, B=Above Average, C=Average, D=Below Average, F=Failure, NA=Don't know, not applicable

1. Does our City Council spend your tax dollars appropriately? __

2. Overall, does the City Council make sound financial decisions? __

3. Does the City Council communicate clearly and understandably to their constituents their decision-making process? __

4. Does the City Council illicit citizen feedback and utilize that in their decision making? __

5. Does the City Council always base their recommendations on present moment facts and sound data? __

6. Have they met with you personally or held neighborhood chats regarding your concerns? __

7. If they saw you on the street would they recognize you? __

8. Is our City Council a "can do it yourself" kind of governing body? __

9. Is our City Council attuned to the to the pulse of the businesses on Main Street? __

10. Has the City Council ever reached out to you for your advice/opinion? __

11. When you've emailed or phoned your councilor did you receive (or not) an immediate response? __ Explain:

12. Are city councilors well versed in Keene's history? __

13. Does our City Council take Keene's historical imperative into consideration when making decisions? __

14. Does the City Council treat all Keene citizens equally when considering citizen's requests/issues/problems? __

15. Is the City Council relying too much on consultants and the hope that grants will offset the taxpayers financial burden? __ Explain:

16. Is our City Council forward in their thinking about future needs, re. affordable housing, homelessness? __

17. Do our city planners abide by the current Master Plan as it is currently written? __



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