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Douglas gets her turn in the spotlight

From Twin Cities

Douglas gets her turn in the spotlight

Although Peggy Douglas said she loves a party, she admits this year's Person of the Year luncheon will be hard for her.

Douglas, of Wayzata, likes planning events. But this year the luncheon will be in her honor. The Greater Wayzata Area Chamber of Commerce is honoring Douglas as its Person of the Year.

"I like to work behind the scenes and get everybody together," she said.

Douglas works as the marketing director for Meridian Manor, an assisted living residence for seniors. From 1992-97, she served as executive director of the Chamber.

Douglas is credited with playing a crucial role in planning Wayzata's 150th birthday celebration this past July.

According to her, it was her love of fireworks that first nudged her toward event planning in Wayzata. In 1989, the Chamber of Commerce was still sponsoring fireworks displays, and Douglas began assisting in coordinating that effort.

In 1992, she agreed to serve as the Chamber's executive director on an interim basis. But after three months on the job, Douglas realized board members weren't interviewing any candidates. "They said, 'You're it,'" Douglas said.

One highlight of her tenure at the Chamber came in 1999, Douglas said. That year marked the 25th anniversary of Wayzata's James J. Hill Days celebration, and Douglas thought the celebration named after a rail baron needed a historic train.

She discovered that a historic train could be brought to Wayzata - for $80,000.

While that sum may have elicited a few gulps at the Chamber board meeting, Douglas said the event proved a profitable success.

"We sold so many tickets for that train ride," Douglas said. "They had to add cars."

She added, "It was really exciting when that steam locomotive pulled in."

Volunteer work

It's fair to say Douglas has a wealth of experience as a volunteer. Her resume lists affiliations with the Children's Home Society and Family Services, the Junior League of Minneapolis, Wayzata Community Church, the Wayzata Rotary Club and Wayzata Historical Society.

It's her work with the Children's Home Society that Douglas is most passionate about.

She said she earned her degree in social work, and worked with the adoption program of an agency in St. Louis.

Soon after Douglas moved to the Twin Cities area in 1972, she helped to set up a Meals on Wheels program for the Wayzata/Plymouth area.

She was involved with programs for seniors at the Junior League, and Douglas says she values her interactions with residents of Meridian Manor.

"I love working with our residents," she said. "They have so much wisdom, and so much to offer all generations."

A successful 150th

Douglas was able to use her acumen as an event planner earlier this year by volunteering as events chairperson for the Wayzata Sesquicentennial celebration.

She said the event, which organizers planned as a celebration for Wayzatans, was a success.

"I couldn't believe all the people who came back because their roots were here," Douglas said.

She added that it was gratifying to see four generations of people dancing and enjoying themselves at the celebration on Lake Street.

While Douglas isn't presently planning a Wayzata event as big as the 150th celebration, she said she is preparing for Meridian Manor's participation in Bob Fisher's upcoming sleep out.

She said she is leading a sleep out at Meridian Manor on Nov. 13, the first night of Fisher's sleep out.

The following morning - Sunday, Nov. 14 - all who slept outside in Wayzata the previous night are invited for a pancake breakfast at Meridian Manor, Douglas said.

The breakfast is just the latest example of an event Douglas coordinated.

"Every Chamber lunch, I felt like I was entertaining my friends," she said.

Now, although Douglas bristles at being the center of attention, she'll attend the Person of the Year luncheon and her friends will honor her.

The Greater Wayzata Area Chamber of Commerce's Person of the Year luncheon will take place from 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 11, at Wayzata Community Church. The cost is $18. For reservations, call the Chamber at 952-473-9595 by noon, Tuesday, Nov. 9.

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